Documentation read from 05/19/2023 16:24:13 version of /vol/kmer-server-prod/FIGdisk.server.rhel6/dist/releases/dev/common/lib/FigKernelPackages/

RAST Submission Server Function Object

RAST Submission Server Function Object

This file contains the functions and utilities used by the RAST Submission Server . The various methods listed in the sections below represent function calls direct to the server. These all have a signature similar to the following.

    my $document = $rastObject->function_name($args);

where $rastObject is an object created by this module, $args is a parameter structure, and function_name is the RAST Server function name. The output document is a structure, generally a hash reference, but sometimes a string or a list reference.



    my $rastObject = RASTserver->new($username, $password);

    Where $username and $password are your RAST username and password. 

Primary Methods


        my $jobH = $rastObject->submit_RAST_job({

                -taxonomyID => The NCBI taxonomy id   | Domain => [Archaea | Bacteria | Virus]
                -filetype => [Fasta|Genbank]
                if Fasta && ! TaxonomyID
                        -geneticCode =>  [4 | 11]
                -organismName  => Name of the organism
                -keepGeneCalls =>  [0 | 1], 
                -geneCaller    => [RAST | Glimmer3],
                -kmerDataset   => dataset-name
                -file => full path to the input file

This method submits a job to the RAST server. It returns a hash of:

            {jobid} =id
            {status} = [submitted|error]
            {error_message} = message


        my $rastjobH = $rastObject->status_of_RAST_job({-job => \@jobs});

Where @jobs is a list of jobs

The return value is a hash keyed by Jobid of

                    {status} = Job Stage
                    {error_msg} = message
                    {verbose-status} = RAST Metadata


        my $result = $rastObject->retrieve_RAST_job(-job => $jobid, -format => $format)

where $jobid is the RAST id of the job and

$format is one of:

                genbank                 (Genbank format)
                genbank_stripped        (Genbank with EC numbers removed)
                embl                    (EMBL format)
                embl_stripped           (EMBL with EC numbers stripped)
                gff3                    (GFF3 format)
                gff3_stripped           (GFF3 with EC numbers stripped)
                rast_tarball            (gzipped tar file of the entire job)

The return is a hash of

                {status} = ok|error
                {file} = the downloaded file name
                {error_msg} = The error message


        my $ret = rastObject->kill_RAST_job(-job => \@jobids);

where @jobids is an array of RAST job ids to kill.

Return is a hash keyed by Job ID of

                        {status} = ok|error
                        {messages} = Messages


        my $ret = rastObject->delete_RAST_job(-job => \@jobids);

where @jobids is an array of RAST job ids to kill.

Return is a hash keyed by Job ID of

                        {status} = ok|error
                        {error_message} = Error Message


        my $ret = rastObject->get_job_metadata($jobid)

where $jobid is the RAST id of a RAST job

Return is a hash of

                        {status} = ok|error
                        {error_message} = Error Message
                        {key} => {metdata}


        my $result = $rastObject->copy_to_RAST_dir(-job  => $jobid, 
                                                   -from => $file_or_dir,
                                                   -to   => $to_dir);

where $jobid is the RAST id of the job,

      $file_or_dir is a file or directory to be copied into the RAST UserSpace, and

      $to_dir is optional.  If omitted the copy is to UserSpace.  If present, the
            copy is to UserSpace/$to_dir (intermediate directories get created, if 

The return is a hash of

                {status} = ok|error
                {error_msg} = The error message