Documentation read from 05/19/2023 16:24:01 version of /vol/kmer-server-prod/FIGdisk.server.rhel6/FIG/bin/svr_function_of.



Get functions of protein-encoding genes



    svr_all_features 3702.1 peg | svr_function_of

would produce a 2-column table. The first column would contain PEG IDs for genes occurring in genome 3702.1, and the second would contain the functions of those genes.


The standard input should be a tab-separated table (i.e., each line is a tab-separated set of fields). Normally, the last field in each line would contain the PEG for which functions are being requested. If some other column contains the PEGs, use

    -c N

where N is the column (from 1) that contains the PEG in each case.

This is a pipe command. The input is taken from the standard input, and the output is to the standard output.

Command-Line Options

-c Column

This is used only if the column containing PEGs is not the last.


Strip comments from the functions.


This is used to keep input lines for which the PEG has no function

Output Format

The standard output is a tab-delimited file. It consists of the input file with an extra column added (the function associated with the PEG).